2 June

Romans 4:18-19 reminisced the story of Abraham...it states that against all hope, Abraham in hope, believed and so became the father of many nations...without weakening in his faith, he faced the fact that his body was good as dead as he was 100yrs old already and that Sarah's (abraham's wife) womb was also dead.

Having babies at the age of 100? Even the greatest doctors of this high tech era will think twice if that is at all possible. We have front page news and headlines of parents who give birth at the age of 45-55... considering the sitn as miracles of medicines. Doctors and mothers are interviewed, the birth is videotaped, and the babies are instant celebrities. Wonder how they will react to Abraham's story? But for our mighty God, it was just a simple case of having pure and undoubting faith.

It makes me ask myself: where i am being strrrrrrrrretched by God in my ability to trust Him? If having babies at the age of 100 is possible for my God, what then is impossible to Him if i simply exercise my faith?

Im 40 and single. An age many consider as PANIC time for getting married. Kahit-sino-na-lang Lord-phase? :-) But i know my God and He knows me. He provides comfort when society becomes harsh. My God knows my heart. He holds my future. He knows if I will marry or not. And whatever He wills for my life, I know i shd trust that its for my best. So i tell my 4o yr old heart: Hush...every thump, every beat should be for God...for He alone deserves my love...if a man, in God's time, seeks me... then he would have to seek Him first to find me..."


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