18 June

Hebrews 12:12-13 Lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees; And make straight paths for our feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way; but let it rather be healed.

Ay ang hirap ng ampalaya ko! Di ko ma-gets. hahaha! Natahimik tuloy ako.

But based on my guide book, this means daw na God's word of encouragement is for us to lift the hands of faith and to fortify our knees of prayer. Coz there will be times when we get weak and tired kaya our prayers lose power and effectiveness.

Oo nga naman!

I think this is the time when our spirits and energy are at its lowest BUT this is the best time to hang on all the more and praise God. Simply because this is the time that we need Him the most.

We should be conscious when our spirits are down. When Satan is hovering and waiting to snatch us! We should not let Satan boast of having overwhelmed us!

We shd plow ahead!


Psalm 119:33-40

The Psalmist asks the Lord to teach him about the laws for him to gain understanding and to be directed in the path of God's commands. There is a deliberate act to honor the Lord, it must not depend on happenstances.

We must understand what's at stake here. The world may blind us with its riches that can make us forget what heaven is for. Whatever we watch, listen to, or read - whatever bodily actions - must be done in honor of Jesus.

Jesus, during his earthly life, was himself tempted yet he showed us how he overcame and Revelations 3:21 tells us about a promise that God has for those who do the same.


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