26 October 2009

Matthew 14:23 He went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone.

I truly treasure my quiet time. I am so "proud" of myself because it has truly become a habit for me.

I still remember how, in the past, it was such a struggle for me to have a regular QT. And that is how it was for soooooooooooo many years. Id rather sleep, watch tv, eat than have my QT. I knew it was important and yet i never exerted effort to do it.

Now, almost each morning, I spend time reading His word, talking to God, and enjoying His lessons for me. My mountainside is my bedroom, with the TV off or muted. I have it anywhere from 630-730am, after i take my bath. I will sit on my bed, legs crossed, get my QT book and my big serendipity bible. I first check the story behind the book where my verse is situated. That way, ill understand the story better. And truth be told, i dont pray quietly nor with eyes closed. I look up and pray out loud :-) I pray as if God is just beside me and I am talking to Him. That gives me comfort and makes me smile.

Thank God for QTs.


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