11 October

It's just not going to work. No matter how good my intentions are and how hard (I think) I tried to get close to God but I do not have the patience to wait on Him, it just aint gonna work. I've been feeding on the Bread of Life like it's served in a fast food restaurant. It may give me the immediate satisfaction that I need especially because I'm on the go but it's bland and just tastes ordinary that the immediate satisfaction immediately leaves me. Based on studies, fast food have potential damage to human health. Bread of Life to-go may even be detrimental to my existence.

I was wondering why I suddenly became like this. Like a workaholic yuppie who has no time to pause. Last night when I decided not to go to the Sunday church service I nudged myself for the reason. The thought that I was sulking crossed my mind.

I was not even mildly affected by the deluge that took place recently. I was warm and snug and comfortable in my house when there were thousands of people homeless, hungry, unsure, lonely, destitute. The only storm I experienced was my own, stupid, little heartbreak. What was I sulking about?

His way is in the whirlwind and the storm, and clouds are the dust of his feet. Nahum 1:3

The storms that happen in our lives, great or small, may trigger an unbelief. A doubt. But God is right there in the storm according to Nahum. His way is in the storm. He was and has always been present. And that shouldn't leave any room for doubt.

But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find Him if you look for Him with all your heart and with all your soul. When you are in distress and all these things have happened to you, then in later days you will return to the Lord your God and obey Him. For the Lord your God is a merciful God; he will not abandon or destroy you or forget the covenant with your forefathers, which he confirmed to them by oath. Deut. 4:29-31

There were times when I wake up very very early in the morning and I thought that it was God who awoke me and I would start to pray. I wanted an encounter with Him like the ones I hear about so I go down on my knees and try to meditate, listen, pray. But nothing happened. This happened about three times and three times there was nothing. I started to doubt the possibility of 'it' ever happening to me. I think I sulked about that. When I thought I wasn't getting any from those very early morning awakenings, I stopped. After three lousy instances, I stopped. How foolish. How selfish of me to let go of my commitment. God has been very committed in not abandoning me. How's my commitment with Him?

Father God in Heaven, forgive me for thinking that my preoccupation deserves more time than my relationship with You. I know You've given me this freewill. Teach me (and please don't ever get tired of doing so) so I will only exercise this freewill in loving You. Thank you wonderful Jesus. Amen.


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