3 September

Tonight, Ptr. Ed Lapiz talked about our Body, which is God's temple. Since we were paid for a price, not out of Jesus' sympathy for us but because of His holiness, giving Him the right to own us, allowing His perfect will, which always wants the best for us to work in our lives, our best option is to let go of our own will.

I've been telling myself that and I realize that I have been falling short. It is indeed hard to let go of desires - to have someone to love us (a husband perhaps), to do whatever we want (since this is my own body!) - but it is harder to live a life where I claim I am a Christian and yet hold back and disobey because I already know and I am definite of where I want to be and that is with Christ and if i continue living a life of a lie, then I am making a fool out of myself. Everything I do will be meaningless since it is not going to that place where I want to be.

Focusing on God and God only - not on His blessings. He may bless me with the best husband in the world. I bet He would want His children to be with someone whom they could share His love with. It's such a blessing. Am I ready to divert my attention on such kind of blessing and just focus on God? What does it mean to really focus on Him?


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