29 September

When hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans in 2005, I was glued to the TV, wondering about my favorite state (I've never been there but I love it because it's the Jazz capital and I love Jazz). I looked at the pictures, heard the victims' stories, got mad when there was an issue with relief operations. I knew the statistics.

Last weekend, when typhoon Ondoy was raging, I was busily doing something else. We have the power up in this part of the province and it was just like an ordinary rainy day. I wasn't even watching the news. I wasn't aware that the city, about four hours drive from here was being savagely hit by the typhoon and that there were, and still are, a lot of people who are affected. It was the first time that the city had ever experienced that kind of flooding. Compared the Katrina, Ondoy turned out to be worse - a month's worth of rainfall in just six hours.

Was I being apathetic? When I finally saw the news last night, I realized how heartbreaking it had been for many Filipinos. Considering that there are more people living in poverty in Metro Manila compared to Louisiana, it must take a considerable time for them to get back on track.

What could someone like me do? If I don't personally know a victim of the typhoon, how can I encourage? Would a few pesos deposited to a bank account that helps the victims even make a difference?

"Thank you, dear God, for protecting us. May you look upon the victims of the typhoon with favor and grant them the comfort and peace that could only come from You."


I am a man of prayer (psalms 109:4)

Wouldn't it be great if i am known to be a woman of prayer? Somebody who is famous and looked upon because of that? Someone whose looks, degree, work are secondary because he/she is more known to be a person of prayer?

I wonder what romyne, my cell leader, would have said if that is the dream i wrote in the form she gave me? I am sure she will be surprised but happy.

I do pray that i will learn to kneel more and grow from there. Learn to close my eyes more and trust that God will lead my ways. Learn to pray first before anything else... before questioning...before grumbling...before getting hurt. Learn to listen as God talks to me.


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