1 June

In Isaiah 28:12, God said to the Israelites, "This is the resting place, let the weary rest." and "This is the place of rest." - but they wouldn't listen. . . Like the Israelites, we sometimes do not listen to God even though God is talking to us several times already. This shows our lack of trust and our being hardheaded which renders us unable to see or sense God's will and grace. Believing God is the Master and thus following His commands is the only key to success.


Psalm 107: v21 "Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men."
v31 "Whoever is wise, let him heed these things and consider the great love of the LORD."

Let. Allow. Permit. In whatever we do, whatever circumstances we find ourselves in - let. God's unfailing and great love is really something to rejoice about so through the lives we lead, the choices we make, LET us do so in light of God's great love.

Lord, thank you for your greatness in love and mercy. With the empowerment of your Holy Spirit, allow us to bring back the glory and honor to your name. Amen.


30 May

There are songs that we sing because it just touches our heart, we can empathize with the lyrics, the notes we can reach. . . Do you know that there will be 144, 000 who will have that privilege when Jesus comes? No one could learn the song except them who have been redeemed from the earth (Rev 14:3). Undoubtedly, they will be singing the song of triumph, a hymn of victory for they were pure and blameless, they followed the lamb and no lie escaped from their mouths (Rev. 14:4). So whenever we experience sorrow and testing, remember it just might be a music lesson from God.


Once we've decided to live our lives for Jesus, there must be no turning back and we see ourselves continually pursuing His word and turning our backs from our old selves.

In every sin that we commit and in every time that we seek the Lord's forgiveness, Jesus as our intercessor is once again crucified for us. That is how great His love is that it covers a multitude of sin.

Am I worthy of that love? Jesus says yes. So it is only rightful that i give that back to him by showing love to others, bringing them to the truth.

However I must start with myself - breaking free and destroying "every knowledge that sets itself against God." It is not through my own efforts or through compromise but by being empowered by the Holy Spirit. Nothing else.


29 May

The reality of knowing and having a relationship with Jesus comes as a result of prayer and personal bible study that's devotional and consistent in nature. "To know Christ" (Phil. 3:10) should be life's greatest achievement.


"Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth." 1 John 3:18

How to genuinely love? We might feel like we know what there is to know about love from books or articles but the one great source of a true definition is the bible. The love that Jesus taught us is laying down our lives for our brother/sister. I need the Holy Spirit to be able to truly love my students and the bible says that it is with action in truth, meaning to love them is to tell them about Jesus.


27 May

When the disciples were confronted with feeding 5000, Jesus said: Bring then here to me (Matt 14:18) and everybody got fed. . . Truly, our God will meet all our needs. When trials threaten to overcome us, it may just be the opportunity of God to reveal His grace and glory in our life, in ways we've never known before. It's our heavenly privilege to forget our needs in the presence of His riches! Rely upon Him and you'll never again have the need to rely upon anything or anyone else.


26 May

Singing praises and responding with faith will indeed supply our needs. . . this is exactly what the Israelites did when they were desperate for water as they've bee traveling over many deserts. After singing, "Spring up, o well! Sing about it..." a rush of water filled the well (Num 21:17). I believe this describes the river of blessings that flows through our lives if only we'll respond with faith and praise. Complaining will only bring judgment. Truly, nothing pleases the Lord as much as praise!


22 May

Psalm 37:5, "Commit you way to the Lord; trust in Him, and He'll do this. . . " This verse brings to our attention the immediacy of God's action (He'll do this) once we commit anything to His hands. Whether our burden is sickness, no job, failed relationship, lack of money, salvation of a loved one. . . .He works as we commit!


21 May

Psalm 77:6, "I remembered my songs in the night. . . " In life, it's extremely doubtful that a person's soul can really know the love of God in its richness until the skies are dark and threatening. A person's character is strengthened most during the darkest days.


"If you just want a Coke, you don't come in a bar to get it."

God, through his patience and love for me and because He's the best when it comes to timing, has allowed me to understand this.

It certainly took me a long time to find the answers because I have been compromising and it is wrong. But now I'm experiencing a freedom that can only have been brought about by His great love. Thank you, Jesus!


20 May

When Peter struck a servant who was a part of the troop who wanted to take Jesus away, Jesus said, "Peter, put your sword away! Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me? (John 18:1-11). Aren't we like Peter at times ? We think we have a better way to deal with things than Jesus. More importantly, isn't Jesus' obedience to God, considering his power and innocence, an example for us to follow?


God's purpose is to make us like His son. Surely He wants us to live an abundant life, but if an abundance in material things makes us unholy, then it is against His will. On the other hand, an abundance in suffering that could be our ticket to holiness, may be what we truly need.

1 Peter 5:10: ". . . after you have suffered a little while, [God] will Himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast."

So there really is a reason why we can be joyful during trials because it is God's way for us to be stronger in faith!


19 May

Do you believe in divine match-making? Read Gen 24 and enjoy how God matched Rebecca with Isaac. It teaches us also about asking for signs and challenges us to what extent God should be involved in our mate selection. After reading it, ask: who consistently goes the extra mile and 'waters your camels' for you?


18 May

Paul said in 2 Cor 1:8-9, "We're under great pressure. . .so that we despaired even of life. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God. . " Truly, the pressure of difficult times makes us value life. Self-reliance is sometimes our strategy but it's not enough. We need to rely on God who have promised protection.


15 May

How should we obey God? Instant obedience is the only kind of obedience there is, for delayed obedience is disobedience. Remember that each time God calls us to do something, He's offering to make a covenant with us. Our part id to obey and then He'll do his part to reward us. As Gen. 17 tells us - On that very day, Abraham believed as God told him and God fulfilled His covenant with Abraham of becoming the father of many nations at the age of 100!


"Live in harmony with one another, be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble. Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing." 1 Peter 3:8-9

I was claiming this verse all morning yesterday because annoyance took the best of me. I must remember that "a new creation" upholds what the scripture says which is to live in harmony even when afflicted. It's not easy though I must be thankful for God offers to strengthen us and we can always ask for empowerment from the Holy Spirit.


14 May

Paul said in Romans 8:26 "We don't know what we ought to pray for. . ." How true! Sometimes in our haste or lack of wisdom, we ask God for something we don't really want/need or something that we are not ready yet to receive. Women usually ask for a lifetime partner when they just want security or company. Remember how we demanded of begged God to increase our faith? Then when our money ran out, our family got ill, we lost our job, we question God? Praying isn't a simple task. It is a real conversation with God. We need to keep reading the word so as to be guided.


13 May

The discipline of faith (those who believe) requires many areas of learning. When we remain unswayed, despite delayed answers to prayers or contradictions by people, we grow stronger in faith. Abraham, Moses and Joseph weren't great at the start but made great through the discipline of faith. . . Only then were they equipped for God's work. Moses parted the sea, Joseph endured prison, Abraham bore great descendants. It's through the discipline of faith that will bring us into a knowledge of what God can do. Truly, everything's possible for those who believe. (Mark 9:23)


12 May

Ps 66:12 We went through fire and water but God brought us to a place of abundance. In life, we have to go through some testing, sometimes extreme situations (fire and water) to build our character. When this happens we are able to cope whatever the enemy throws at us.


1 Peter 2:2, "Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation."

A child's innocence, never-ending curiosity and simple-mindedness is what we can exemplify when learning the works of God and in turn He will satisfy us with spiritual nourishment and feed our minds and bodies. The best time that we can have is spending it with the Lord and being empowered by Him so we can grow and do great things where our joy can only come from Him.


11 May

When we are close to the point of despair during severe trial, we don't have to be strong. God knows that in these times, our strength and courage may run away. Instead, God wants us to "Be still and know that He's God." Ps 46:10. As David said in Ps 27:13, I would have despaired but I see the goodness of the Lord."


8 May

Deut 3:25 tells us that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were seen walking in the midst of the fire and weren't hurt, not even a hair was singed, and a fourth form was seen with them who looks like Jesus. Can you see how faithful our God is? This are the three men sent to a burning furnace (heated seven times more than the usual) upon knowing that they didn't worship the gold image set up by the king. Truly, no harm can touch us if we worship the right God. And an image, even if made by a king of gold, won't help us.


"Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul." 1 Peter 2:11

It is important for a Christian to be teachable and the bible presents us with numerous lessons which meanings gradually become clear to us as we grow spiritually. Isn't that exciting?


7 May

We often ask: how long should I pray? Pray until what you pray for has been answered OR until you have assurance it will come. Only when one of this has been met is it safe to stop persisting in prayer, for prayer isn't only calling upon God but is also a battle with Satan. Luke 18:1 states that Jesus told his disciples. . .always pray and not give up.


6 May

Who do we tell our secrets to? Isn't it with people close to us only, to people special to us? Do you know it's the same thing with our God? We get to know the secrets of his providence, the secrets of his ways only when we spend time with Him. As written in Psalm 25:14, The secret ofthe Lord is with them that fear Him.


5 May

Do you know what the extent of singing praises to God can do? in 2 Chronicles 20, when King Jehosaphat got attacked by a great multitude, he appointed people to sing to the Lord, he appointed who should praise the beauty of His holiness. When they did, the Lord set ambushes against the enemy! So when they checked the multitude, there were only dead bodies, no one had escaped. . . So let us sing our worries away rather than whining and questioning. Let's worry less and sing/praise more :)


I have been asking God a lot of "WHYs". I know I'm not in the position to because in Romans 11:33, it says, "Oh, the depth. . . of the wisdom and the knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways!"

God is making a way for me to be more like Him so really, there is no point in asking questions. The thing for us to do is to have total reliance on Him and to be rest assured that He is present in every detail of our lives.


4 May

From Job 5:18, God wounds but He also binds up ; He injures but His hands also heals. . .we shouldn't despise o make tampo when God chastises us. This "wounding/injuring" by God has reasons. We should be happy to note though that whatever wounding/injuring that we receive, He'll still protect us and even provide the way of escape.


1 Peter 1:5 ". . .through faith [you] are shielded by God's power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time."

In this chapter, I am reminded of God's great love for us and the salvation that He'd given through His Son.

I have been trying to overcome something in my life, a disappointment, and I've been asking God to remove it from me as I have always been ready to give it up but it does seem like I cannot budge from square one of the process. That could mean that I am refusing to totally rely on God and that my faith is in real danger. I must understand how God's love was, has been, and always will be sufficient for me, even abounding!


27 April

In Judges 3:9-10, the Lord raised up Othniel as deliverer when the Israelites asked for help. In the same way, when the opportunity is right, God will put us in a position - the only limit comes from us. God wants us to raise our vision to a higher level for us to have greater expectations. Surely we shouldn't measure His blessing.
